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Updated: Feb 7, 2024

Just be.

Just be, without identifying.

The natural essence of pure being is not personal, it has no story, it simply is. From this deeper place of neutrality we observe without self interest. There is no witness, only witnessing. This witnessing is spontaneous and effortless.

There is no observer doing the observing. There is only observing itself. It is the natural, effortless condition of knowing, arising as pure awareness. Notice that perceiving and the observing of perception is taking place but it is not a “doing”. The pure consciousness that you are, is simply “here”.

Consciousness simply “is”, and you as un-associated being, simply “are”.

Just be.

Updated: Feb 7, 2024

The idea that we have a life, as well as any thought we have about “our life”, these are fundamental errors of self identity.

Life is not thought and thought is not life.

Life is not a collection of events that happens to us.

We do not have a life. Life is not something we can possess. We are not, nor can we ever be, separate from life. There is no “I”, “me” or “you” that exists independently from life. We cannot be separated from what we are.

Consciousness is not a collection of thoughts and emotions. Consciousness is the vast, open, spacious condition in which everything, including thoughts and emotions arise.

What we are is pure consciousness and consciousness is life itself. As consciousness, we observe the continual unfolding of the unique expression of the life that we are.

But in the same way that there is no separate entity that life is happening to. There is no “you” , “me” or “I”possessing consciousness. There is no separate entity, no “I” being conscious. “We” are not conscious. There is no “I” or “we” prior to consciousness. Consciousness is our essential nature. It is what we are.

All is phenomenal in relation to the conscious being that we are.

The inner realm of thoughts and emotions that exists behind the eyes has the exact same status as the outer world of names and forms that is seen in front of the eyes. All is content, arising and appearing in conscious-awareness. All is observed by our core essence, everything becomes known in pure consciousness.

We are life itself. This is our true essence, out true nature. As consciousness and as life, we simply are.

We are only this.

Just this.

Updated: Feb 7, 2024

Observing the world with compassionate detachment is not a practice that we do. It is what we already are.

That which is aware of all that changes, but itself remains unchanging, this is who we are.

For the intuitive sense, “I am here”, “I exist” to arise, an observer is not necessary. Because observing, and watching is the spontaneous natural condition of pure awareness. The perceiving of the open spaciousness in which everything arises is inseparable from the continually unfolding experience of being. No one is doing it. There is no entity. There is no doing. It simply is. You simply are.

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