A Buddhist Center For Awakening
Village Temple is a spiritual community exploring both contemporary and ancient Buddhist teachings. You are invited to accompany us as we explore the infinite, divine truths of the human spirit.
Spiritual awakening is simply the recognition of who and what we truly are. It is the discovery of our eternal, divine essence, the discovery of our transcendent spiritual nature.
The Village Temple community follows the direct path to this awakening, as opposed to the more traditional progressive path. The direct path is as ancient as Buddhism itself but was not widely shared until relatively recently. This path is based on the premise that our divine consciousness, our sacred “Buddha Nature”, is always and already present within us. It is here right now, available to be discovered in each and every moment. Spiritual awakening, awakening to the discovery of our own sacred divinity, as an enlightened being, is therefore possible right here, right now, in this moment.
With meditation, self-reflection and simple guidance, this spiritual journey leads to an enlightenment that reveals, experientially, the completely natural infinite and divine grace of the human spirit.